Rules of the Home Tutors Academy

Teachers Kindly Follow the Rules of the Home Tutors Academy

1. No Advance fees to Tutor.

2. 50% Commission on each Tuition for 1st Time, even Tuition is for 1 hour or 1 month or 1 day.

3. Registration Fees Rs. 500/- PKR for each Tutor in advance | before the Home Tuition (only 1 time).

4. CNIC copy of Tutor / Teacher will be required and to be sent at e-mail address (

5. Whenever tuition is referred to you simply call within an hour or less unless it's too late to call the parents.

6. Try to arrange meeting in the first available time, first meeting increase the chance of tuition to be done.

7. Always give one free demo class in the first meeting so your time and fuel of the nation can be saved.

8. You are not allowed to pick tuition fees, because fee is received by the academy and will be given to the tutor at the end of the month.

9. Don't tell a lie to parents or Academy Manager. Otherwise Academy will not give you the Tuition.

10. If any Complaints Register by parents/students/party against their Teacher & its proved then his /her complaints with his/her CNIC will be publicly shown on Facebook & our Website.

11. Rules and Regulations are Subject to Change.

Bank Details for Transfer Registration fees online

Account Holder Name:

Muhammad Ali Gohar

Bank Name:

Standard Chartered Bank

Account Number:


After Transfer the fees please keep deposit slip / online receipt as proof of payment and show at the time of demand.

We are informing you all the Tutors, Teachers, students and other parents of Karachi that Home Tutors Academy (Karachi) has been handed over to Abdullah Tutors Academy (Karachi) from 2nd Jan-2019 now it will be operated by Mr. Muhammad Ali as an operating Manager of Abdullah Tutors Academy (Karachi), processes and rules & others are same as before but Brand name has been changed only for Karachi Region now Home Tutors Academy (Karachi) is now been less share partner of Abdullah Tutors Academy (Karachi). We will be very sorry if any inconvenience regarded by the Academy or Manager in Karachi.